International relations
European universities in which Western Asian, Oriental, or Islamic disciplines are represented, usually provide certain levels of Iranian studies . Independent departments of Iranian Studies are less common. Among the European countries where the field is taught or researched on an advanced level, Germany, France, Great Britain, Sweden, Poland, Italy and the Netherlands can be mentioned, besides our department. In these educational and research institutions, the standard disciplines are usually accompanied by modern (political, cultural, anthropological, linguistic, literary, etc.) research. Some important universities where Iranian studies are present include:
-in Germany
Berlin - Freie Universität Berlin, Institut für Iranistik
Bamberg - Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg, Lehrstuhl für Iranistik
Freiburg i. Br. - Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Orientalisches Seminar (Fach Iranistik)
-in the United Kingdom
Cambridge - University of Cambridge, Faculty of Oriental Studies, Centre of Middle Eastern & Islamic Studies
-in Poland
Kraków - Jagiellonian University
-in Italy
Naples - Istituto Universitario Orientale, Dipartimento di Studi Asiatici;
-in Sweden
Uppsala - Uppsala University, Department of Linguistics and Philology, Asian and African Languages
-in Tajikistan
Donishgohi Milliyi Tojikiston, Dushanbe, Tajikistan
The universities listed above, all of which having good working contacts with the Department of Iranian Studies, do not limit their investigations to specialist subfields of the discipline, but, rather, they provide a profound insight into the entire field, including linguistic, literary, and religious history, as well as the distinctive characteristics of Classical and Modern Persian.
Co-operation with other institutions
Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Institut für Iranistik, Vienna, Austria
Ernst-Herzfeld-Gesellschaft zur Erforschung der Islamischen Kunstgeschichte und Archäologie,
Bamberg, Germany
Cultural Heritage Organization of Iran (Sâzmân-e Mirâs-e Farhangi), Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Iranian Academy of Arts (Farhangestân-e Honar-e Jomhuri-ye Eslâmi-ye Irân), Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Academy of Persian Language and Literature (Farhangestân-e Zabân o Adab-e Fârsi), Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
University of Tehran, Department of Persian Language and Literature (Dâneshgâh-e Tehrân, Goruh-e Zabâno adabiyât-e Fârsi), Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Islamic Culture and Communication Organization (Sâzmân-e Farhang o Ertebâtât-e Eslâmi), Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran